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Notre Dame de la Garde – His history

At the end of the Fontaines de Kertugal manor house once stood a chapel dedicated to Saint-Roch, invoked to ward off plague epidemics. Sold during the French Revolution, it was destroyed in 1801.

In 1828, the manor’s owner had a chapel built on the village hillside, Notre Dame de la Garde, to “protect sailors on the waves”.

From this promontory, a panoramic view allowed the 7 bell towers of the 5 surrounding parishes to be counted.

This original rotunda-shaped structure, with its metre-thick walls of local granite, was restored in 2005.

H. Frotier de la Messelière – 1930 – Archives Départementales Côtes d’Armor.
Chapelle Sainte-Anne Saint-Quay-Portrieux

Its unusual roof was topped by a lantern, lit to serve as a landmark for ships.

Seepage necessitated waterproofing work on the roof in 1864, and a bell replaced the lantern.

The interior furnishings have been adapted to the building’s circular shape, with stoup and trunk carved directly into the stone.

The Maltese crosses carved into the choir enclosure indicate that the manor’s owner belonged to this order.

Numerous ex-voto statues, most of which have now disappeared, adorned the walls of the chapel.